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Artur Zakirov
How to move and relocate your business to Europe in 2024: my journey to Spain
Founder of Artsoft Consulting
In 2022, I closed my information security business in Russia and left the country in search of new opportunities for development. I was looking for a place where I could become a resident, open a company without any problems, and move my family to a stable and comfortable environment.

My first choice fell on Turkey. Like many of my compatriots, I considered it an ideal option for living and doing business.

At first everything looked promising: it was easy to become a resident, open accounts, and register a company. However, soon everyone began to refuse residence permits, often for no particular reason, and the country was in an economic crisis: the Turkish lira was rapidly depreciating, and inflation soared to 130%.

Realizing that such conditions were not suitable for long-term residence and business, I decided to look for another country - a democratic one, with a stable economy and a high standard of living, where my family could feel confident and my company had prospects for growth.

Then I started to look towards the European Union, and the next step was Croatia. However, this country did not become our final destination, and I will explain why in a moment

Why Croatia is not the best option for relocation:

  • A complicated way of legalization: first you will need to register a company, obtain a license, hire employees, show that your company is functioning, and then only then you can apply for a residence permit.

  • You will need a rental agreement for at least 1 year, and there is no guarantee that you will become a resident.

  • Be prepared that the process of obtaining a residence permit may take several months.

  • Although Croatian has many similar words to Russian and is not very difficult to learn, it is spoken by only a small number of people in the world.

  • The country also suffers from high levels of corruption and unemployment, which creates additional difficulties for doing business.

  • On top of this, wages remain relatively low.
Having studied all available opportunities and consulted with other entrepreneurs, I came to the conclusion that the best conditions for obtaining residency status in the European Union are offered by Spain.
To successfully obtain a residence permit in Spain through the opening of a startup does not need to collect a bunch of documents, the applicant does not have any requirements in the form of higher education in the field of entrepreneurship or investment, authorized capital, any profile is suitable.

It is only necessary to provide:
A certificate of no criminal record
A certificate from the bank about the availability of 30240 euros per person at the time of submission.
And the most important document, competently drafted in accordance with all the requirements of ENISA* is a business plan for your future company in Spain.

*ENISA (Empresa Nacional de Innovación, S.A.) is a Spanish government agency created to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups through financing and other support measures. ENISA provides loans, investments and grants to innovative companies that demonstrate potential for growth and innovation. ENISA's main objective is to stimulate economic growth and job creation in Spain through support for entrepreneurship and innovation.

Today Spain actively attracts new entrepreneurs and is generally very loyal to any business ideas, so you can say there are no risks. At the same time, you do not need to register a company, as required by Croatia, to obtain a residence permit.
In the summer of 2023, my family and I came to Spain and I applied for an entrepreneur visa. I had the intention of opening several businesses here. Drawing on my ten years of experience in consulting and IT, as well as my experience in launching an innovative information security startup, I was able to develop a plan that met all ENISA requirements. The process of obtaining a residence permit took only a month. We were quietly waiting for a decision in beautiful coastal Valencia, which later became our home.

Another advantage of the startup visa is that it can be obtained already on the territory of Spain, being in the country in any legal way. That is, you can arrive on a regular Schengen tourist visa, submit an application and wait for its consideration. At the same time, if the visa expires, you still have the right to wait for the result
Why did I choose Spain for my relocation?
  • A relatively easy process of obtaining a residence permit through a startup visa for three years at a time for me and all family members with a work permit.
  • In Spain it is quite easy to extend a residence permit on the basis of any registered business activity, i.e. there is no link to a startup as such.
  • Spain is a member of the European Union, which means that its residents by default have doors open to the whole of Europe.
  • It is a democratic country with a stable economy and high quality of education and healthcare. Medicine is free, public education is available to everyone without exception.
  • Possibility to obtain citizenship after 10 years.
  • Spanish language spoken by 30% of the world's population.
  • Beautiful climate, sea, beautiful nature, rich culture, delicious food, friendly people.
  • Availability of housing for any budget. And to get a residence permit you do not need to rent a house for a long period of time, as in Croatia.
  • Spain offers many opportunities for business development, especially if your startup is related to innovation. ENISA provides significant support.
  • Tax incentives for new residents. Corporate income tax: standard rate is 25%, with a reduced rate of 15% in the first two years if the company makes a profit. This tax is levied on the company's net profit after deducting all allowable expenses.
  • Personal income tax: new residents are subject to the “Beckham Law”, which means they can benefit from a special tax regime and pay 24% on income earned in Spain for the first six years.
  • Residents are allowed to be absent from Spain for more than one month at a time and will not have their residence permit revoked.
Let's summarize:
Spain is a very favorable country for living and doing business in the European Union.

Spain entrepreneur visa is a great option if you need to solve the task of relocating not only yourself and your family, but also your business.

Getting a startup visa can be quick (about 1 month) with minimal paperwork. You can bring your family right away.

The key to getting a startup visa is to have a properly written business plan for your future company that meets ENISA requirements.

One of my businesses in Spain is a company called Artsoft Consulting, which helps with just such a business plan. Even if you don't have a business idea yet, our team will develop one for you from scratch, and it will be a working idea that you can implement when you arrive in Spain. We will help you create a prototype of the product itself, a website, a marketing strategy, register a company, choose a tax regime, as well as provide comprehensive support at every stage of your relocation to one of the most attractive countries of the European Union - from finding accommodation and an office, to the best school for your children.
Valencia, Spain
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